Vocabulary: easy (kantan-かんたん:簡単, madali);healthy(kenkou na-けんこうな:健康な, malusog);
breakfast (asagohan-あさごはん:朝ご飯, almusal);
suggestions (teian-ていあん:提案,mungkahi)
A good breakfast has recently been the focus of attention of those who are most of the time in a hurry to start the day. Some ignore breakfast, go to work a little starved after half an hour with just coffee, tea or milk in their stomachs. Is it really bad to eat only a toast or a slice of any kind of bread for that matter? Well, I would say, we need something else to go with the toast. One question to ponder is this: are we starting the day right by eating right? People who are faithful breakfast eaters confess that they do feel good to welcome a new day and at the same time they are able to eat less at lunchtime so this is good news for the weight conscious.
breakfast (asagohan-あさごはん:朝ご飯, almusal);
suggestions (teian-ていあん:提案,mungkahi)
A good breakfast has recently been the focus of attention of those who are most of the time in a hurry to start the day. Some ignore breakfast, go to work a little starved after half an hour with just coffee, tea or milk in their stomachs. Is it really bad to eat only a toast or a slice of any kind of bread for that matter? Well, I would say, we need something else to go with the toast. One question to ponder is this: are we starting the day right by eating right? People who are faithful breakfast eaters confess that they do feel good to welcome a new day and at the same time they are able to eat less at lunchtime so this is good news for the weight conscious.
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Here are three samples of breakfast that I have had recently which are easy to prepare yet they have the nutrition required to perk me up and make me energetic. I hope you find them useful, one way or another. The first photo shows a bowl of yoghurt and a plate of tomatoes. The yoghurt was added with soybean flour and a little amount of beet sugar (at times, I add honey instead). Then, the fresh tomatoes were served with slices of processed cheese (or any type of cheese according to one's preference or budget), sprinkled with black pepper and drizzled with a small amount of extra virgin olive oil. For the drink, it was a cup or two of hot green tea. Probably, a man may need a toast to fill his stomach a little bit more. For the nutritional benefits, yoghurt has lactic acid bacteria, calcium and proteins while the soybean flour contains isoflavones and proteins. Green tea contains catechins. Tomatoes have lycopene,Vitamins B and C plus minerals while cheese has calcium and proteins. Olive oil is a healthy type of oil. These are extra mood and energy boosters in the body.
One variation of the above is one that has slices of banana and nuts in the yoghurt then it is sweetened with a little bit of honey. My toast is one with black tea in it. I added a slice of pineapple. My morning drink is unsweetened brewed coffee with lots of soymilk. Honey contains glucose; banana has fructose and oligosaccharides (more than 3 sugar molecules bound together) while nuts have Vitamin E. The toast is a source of carbohydrates. Soymilk, soybean flour and yoghurt are sources of protein. Pineapple gives a balance to the whole meal. A very easy breakfast and yet, it has lots of nutrients. Try it.
One variation of the above is one that has slices of banana and nuts in the yoghurt then it is sweetened with a little bit of honey. My toast is one with black tea in it. I added a slice of pineapple. My morning drink is unsweetened brewed coffee with lots of soymilk. Honey contains glucose; banana has fructose and oligosaccharides (more than 3 sugar molecules bound together) while nuts have Vitamin E. The toast is a source of carbohydrates. Soymilk, soybean flour and yoghurt are sources of protein. Pineapple gives a balance to the whole meal. A very easy breakfast and yet, it has lots of nutrients. Try it.
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The last photo shows a toast with butter, basil and garlic cream on it along with a small dish of vegetables and salmon. The vegetables are leeks and carrots. The creamy spread is available in the market or one may opt to prepare a stock of it by mixing ground dried basil leaves, garlic and butter (or olive oil) and refrigerate it. All of them were sauteed in olive oil with garlic and spiced with a small amount of soysauce, Japanese cooking wine, a tiny amount of dried rosemary leaves and a dash of turmeric. All of these ingredients are known to be good for health. Leeks are especially good for colds. Turmeric has curcumin, known to be anti-cancer. All others have been studied for the presence of anti-oxidants. I complemented this meal with a cup of cafe-au-lait. At other times, instead of coffeee or tea, I would drink fresh juice or warm milk. What do you say to this? Is it convincing? Well, a little effort might go a long, long way. If you have suggestions, please feel free to write on the "comments" space. Thanks. Nice day to all of you.
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