January 28, 2012

Modified double chocolate cake

 Less ingredients, more flavor

   Today, I'd like to show you a double chocolate cake that is really simple, with less materials but has the goodness of a fancy chocolate cake in shops or one that looks fabulous in a chocolate cookbook. It was only an "experiment" then but I succeeded (I didn't have all the ingredients written in a chocolate cookbook. I used only ingredients available at home because I was lazy to go out to shop for the other materials. Besides, I decipher that I would be spending more if I go shopping).  Here's what I did:  I used instant cocoa drink powder (I have one with stronger cocoa flavor), cake flour, a little baking powder and baking soda, beet sugar, fresh milk plus a little yoghurt (recipe called for sourmilk but it is not available in my place), a little vegetable juice to dissolve the sugar (just to have some veggies in my cake, I thought), grapeseed oil (this is good for the heart!) and an egg. That's all to make a very fluffy chocolate cake.  The oven setting is 170C for 35 minutes (my oven is one that makes the pan rotates so I have a nice evenly baked cake afterwards).  For the icing, I just added cocoa, sugar, butter (pre-softened), milk, a little flour and a tinch of vanilla.  If you're interested, I'll give you the exact measurements of all these ingredients.
   I made these cakes in two occasions.  I modified a little bit (actually that depends on your imagination, you can vary the ratio of some ingredients).
   I wanted to make the sauce like a chocolate fondue so I changed the proportion of flour and added more milk at the same time shorten the heating time.  This changed the consistency of the mixture.  Let me show you a close-up of the slices. 

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      These are simple homemade double chocolate cakes, less ingredients but enough to compare with the cakes found in shops or restaurants, in looks and taste (at least for me).

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